Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced semiconductor manufacturing

Technology disruptors pursuing established markets

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Academic partner:
With the help of :
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Aeponyx is a fabless micro optical switch semiconductor chips designer and manufacturer. Aeponyx chips are targeted at fiber optic access to the Cloud and optical switching in the Cloud. The company aims to become the leader in Microelectromechanical systems or MEMS-based Silicon Photonics. This case describes the company, its origins, and initial solutions. It also explains Aeponyx’s products and the technology behind them. Moreover, this case discusses the company’s challenges: finding clients internationally and obtaining funds. The strategies that Aeponyx has implemented are also presented: focusing on solving problems, understanding the market needs, and making better and cheaper products. Finally, this case describes the company’s team and partners. Interviewees include Philippe Babin, co-founder and CEO of Aeponyx and François Menard, former co-founder and Vice-President of Technology.

Case study
Download the Aeponyx written case study here authored by Dr Hamid Etemad from McGill University and Dr Hamed Motaghi from the University of Quebec en Outaouais.
Download PDF

Filmed in 2015. Produced in 2017. Filmed at the Centre de Micro Innovation (C2MI), in Bromont, Quebec, Canada, at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and the University of McGill, both located in Montreal, Québec, Canada. Participants: Philippe Babin, Aeponyx François Menard, Aeponyx   Executive Producers Dr Hamid Etemad, McGill UniversityHamed Motaghi, Université du Québec en Outaouais   Producer Thierry Harris, Cartouche Media   Creative Director Melissa Gendron, Cartouche Media